Over the summer, smithwitch123 and cash108 got the opportunity to head to the U.S. East Coast for a visit with friends, as well as a chance to find some caches! One awesome thing about TerraCaching and geocaching is the chance to learn something new about your surroundings that you might not have had a chance to learn before. Historical virtual caches are perfect for this!
Read about their adventures in smithwitch123's words:
"We were excited to be headed for Annapolis, Maryland this past July 4th weekend. We also knew we were going to be lucky enough to be guests on the lovely boat Duet, owned by our friends Steve and Leslie. Looking forward to our time on the waters of Chesapeake Bay, we started searching out some lighthouses.
Of course, knowing that SoccerFanatics hails from the East Coast, we thought we might get to find at least one of his 479 traditional caches! We were not to be disappointed and of course learned a lot by finding Sandy Point Shoal Lighthouse! Check out TCCPD to learn more historical information on this lighthouse built in 1883.
We got a great photo of the lighthouse from the water (thanks to Steve for circling a few times). Pictured behind the lighthouse is the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, a major dual-span bridge. The original span opened in 1952 with a length of 4.3 miles and was the world's longest continuous over-water steel structure; the parallel span was added in 1973. The second picture of the lighthouse was taken at Sandy Point State Park, which is where we got the Confirmation Code to log the cache.
We were excited to see the Junior Fleet Sailors from the Annapolis Yacht Club as they were learning to sail in the local summer program. Pictured are the quaint little sailboats that provide young sailors the skills and behaviors that will serve them to be successful on and off the water.
Follow that up with the awesome sighting of the Yard Patrol craft at the U.S. Naval Academy. These boats are used for training and research purposes. They provide realistic, at-sea training in navigation and seamanship for midshipmen at the Academy. Go Red, White, and Blue!!!
As we headed back to dock the Duet, our last sighting for the day was an osprey nest atop a channel marker. I was hoping for a picture of the actual raptor, but alas I had to settle for only the nest. The osprey tolerates a wide variety of habitats, nesting in any location near a body of water providing an adequate food supply. I'd say this particular osprey does not go hungry!
It was a most satisfactory day of TerraCaching in the great state of Maryland!"